The Science of Breathing

Breathwork can deliver powerful mind and body benefits.


Have you ever wondered what is behind the phrase “take a deep breath”?

We live in a world that challenges us by the speed with which things change, by the uncertainty of what is to come, by the need to constantly adapt and self-regulate. When everything outside moves fast, the only solution is to find our resources and balance within.

Whether you have discovered yoga, mindfulness, meditation or not, this Masterclass is meant to show you the power behind breathing and how it can be one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal at all times. With the help of breathing you can calm down, you can regulate your pulse, the secretion of stress hormones, activate the parasympathetic system, sleep better, become more conscious, or even connect to a better version of yourself.

This masterclass has a scientific and practical approach to understanding what is behind everyday breathing, how to breathe properly, how you can self-regulate and how to create a simple and autonomous practice but we will also discover what is behind yogic breathing techniques (Pranayama) or what Tibetan monks apply to be more balanced.


  • How to breathe properly and why?
  • How do the brain, nervous system, and breath connect?
  • Balance breathing techniques.
  • Techniques for power and energy through breathing.
  • Your practice and exercises for home.
  • Q&A


Location: Online on Zoom.
Date: Wednesday, October 28
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Price: €47





Alexandra Negulescu MPowerYoga

Alexandra Negulescu

Alexandra is the founder of Mpower Yoga, Yoga Teacher and a High-Performance & Productivity Coach.

She’s passionate about sharing the practice of yoga as a way of living and inspired by the beauty of discovery and transformation.

With her coaching programs and online courses, she helps her clients achieve their business and life goals with clarity, confidence, and focus.


Alexandra Negulescu MPowerYoga

Mihai Zant

Mihai Zant is an Executive Coach, Trainer and Partner in Humanistic and Career Shift. With over 10 years of experience in leading teams and communities, he has focused his work on creating learning organizations. He now builds learning experiences for corporations using integrated practice systems with a focus on Self Leadership and Future Skills. He has led a Diaspora Start-up funding program, is a Business Mentor and Coach at the Entrepreneurship Academy, Startarium and Future Makers. He is also the Coach for the Executive MBA program of ESCP Europe in Paris.

He was a member of the board of ICF (International Coaching Federation) and the board of AVE (Association for Values in Education), an NGO that aims to bring the Romanian education system in the top 10 in the EU by 2035. He is also a yoga teacher.

Alexandra Negulescu MPowerYoga
Alexandra Negulescu MPowerYoga

Alexandra Negulescu

Alexandra is the founder of Mpower Yoga, Yoga Teacher and a High-Performance & Productivity Coach.

She’s passionate about sharing the practice of yoga as a way of living and inspired by the beauty of discovery and transformation.

With her coaching programs and online courses, she helps her clients achieve their business and life goals with clarity, confidence, and focus.

Alexandra Negulescu MPowerYoga

Let’s stay in touch!